Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mad Men (Season 4): It Ends Tonight!

Of the shows that I've picked up this season, none has been more addictive than Mad Men. It's been a fantastic ride this season, right from the beginning with Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce riding strong. It was a dark and depressing year for Donald Draper, as he has to live with the consequences of being the man he is. His divorce from Betty and removal from his kids pushed him towards some heavy drinking. His attachment to Anna Draper caused an emotional heartache when the news hit that she was dying. When his secret identity was close to being revealed, he had to lose an important account, which would've alleviated the current crisis.

While Don has tried to move forward in the latter half of the season, cutting back on his obsessive drinking and starting a relationship with irresistible blonde Dr. Faye Miller, his company has been flailing. With the exit of Lucky Strike came the collapse of Roger and Joan's relationship, but also new inspiration for Don, who took up this opportunity to create a new future for the company. With change comes the exit of several players, including Bert Cooper who quite last week. It seems like Peggy may have been right about changing the name of the company after all. Sterling Campbell Draper Pryce anyone?

Pete found out that he was going to become a father early on this season, and it gave some kind of closure to his and Peggy's relationship. He's gone through that transformation into an adult this season, and it's actually made him a more tolerable character. As for Peggy, she's had a really great season, with her growing bond with Don as well as her complex and hilarious relationship with art director Stan. She also got a new friendship with a girl who works elsewhere in the building, and new boyfriend who's more tolerable than the last one. Lane Pryce had a struggle with his wife early on in the season, and it looked like it may not recover. An intervention from his father, no matter how sad and unexpected, brought his family back together, and back to America.

Finally, to cap off this magnificent season of story arcs, Sally Draper has blossomed into nice little character. She had an ongoing friendship with Glen, a naughty little kid in the neighborhood. She took steps to take control of her own life, such as cutting her hair, masturbating (nice touch), and running away in order to visit her father. On top of that, she got to go see The Beatles perform. It will be a shame if she ends up being killed off in the season finale, as many people have speculated will happen. I'm sure something huge will happen, but exactly what remains to be seen. We will learn tonight, during the entirely unspoiled season finale, Tomorrowland.

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