Saturday, September 25, 2010

High on Telluride: By the Sea

I am now sitting by at the Music Hall in Portsmouth, NH, slowly losing my mind at Telluride by the Sea. Fifteen minutes after I’m dropped off in the downtown area, I learn that the tickets were apparently mailed to my home address, which unfortunately doesn’t exist anymore. The town recently changed all the addresses and street names (mine is now named after an amazing 2005 action film), which throws a wrench into my fantastic evening. So I have my people going back home to check on if the tickets are there or not. They may have not made it by now, or they might’ve just headed into the stratosphere.

I’ll be seeing Never Let Me Go tonight either way, but tickets are sold for The King’s Speech, so if the tickets aren’t at home yet then I’ll have to wait by the box office for the next few hours until they become available again. Not the way I wanted to spend my Saturday afternoon. The mood is mostly calm, considering that the town is usually in such a festive mood anyway. It's a nice day, so that does alleviate my stress a bit. I'll get back to you later this evening with my reviews of both films, because I can promise right now that I'll die before I miss this.

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