Saturday, May 15, 2010

Celluloid's Cannes Coverage: Day 2

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps- Response to the long awaited sequel to Wall Street has been mostly positive, with some quibbles. Guy Lodge from In Contention said, without giving too much praise, "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is one of the more pleasantly surprising studio pictures of the year thus far, and a significant improvement on its po-faced (and, 23 years on, now fearsomely dated) predecessor. If the sequel could never have been deemed “necessary,” it’s certainly as handily timed as can be."

While praising the film for being both enjoyable, and an improvement on the first film, critics still remain weary of the flaws in this production. Kirk Honeycutt of The Hollywood Reporter noted "Stone gets too fancy here and there. He and his Alexander cinematographer Rodrigo Prieto swoop the camera around Manhattan as if it were attached to a bird. A heavy reliance on multiple screens, graphics and digital tricks makes it feel like one is watching CNN with all its computer-screen busyness." The overwhelming critical message has been that this is one of the better sequels of our time, so it's nice to know something good's coming out of Cannes.

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