Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Trailer Tuesday: Winter's Bone, Machete

I've gotten tired of watching the Inception trailer over and over again, so I'm done until I see the footage in the movie, or when the trailer plays in front of some other movie. So now we can get on to the other trailers of the week. First is the trailer for Winter's Bone, one of the biggest films that premiered at Sundance this year. The trailer gives us a good idea of the plot, but you have to see it for yourself to fully take it in. It's very mysterious, but the plot looks extremely original for that type of film. Expect a potential Oscar campaign in its future.

Next is the new trailer for the adaptation of the Grindhouse trailer, Machete. I'm excited to see this film, because when Robert Rodriguez takes on a dark subject, he turns it into a visual feast. When he takes on a childrens film (Spy Kids), it's a trippy childrens film nobody wants to see ever again. But Machete has been under his wing for a while, and to see that it's actually coming is just an amazing thing in itself. The trailer isn't too different from the original, but it does add some new characters, and cheesy but enjoyable dialogue ("We didn't cross the border! The border crossed us!"), so it actually seems like there will be an actual reason to go to the movies this Labor Day.

Winters Bone Trailer
Machete Trailer

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