Sunday, June 20, 2010

What's left this summer?

By now, most of the bulk of the big summer movies have come out. We're still waiting on Twilite: E*Klips and The Last Airbender to close out the month, but so far we've gotten a whole lot of disappointing films (Iron Man 2, Robin Hood, Splice), and a small taste of classic. I already know that Twilite is going to fall into the former category, and despite the beautiful musical score, I have the sneaking suspicion that Airbender will as well. So with the heft of the big summer movies past us, what's there to wait for?

I apologize if I sound like a broken record, by the biggest film for the rest of the summer is definitely Inception. Too often a marketing campaign reveals the plot of the entire film before the release. Chris Nolan is keeping everything pretty tight, only giving us a breif glimpse of what this film is about. We've also got Robert Rodriguez's Predators, which doesn't look too horrible. In fact, it doesn't really look bad at all. Not a great film, but certainly worth a look. Then, at the end of all hope, you could indulge in the self-indulgent Salt.

Safe to say that quite a few of the small gems are being saved for August, like the action comedy, The Other Guys. People may not have such wide spread adoration of director Adam McKay's Step Brothers as they do for Knocked Up or Superbad, but it's hard to go through the film without laughing. I expect a similar experience here. Also, is there anybody who isn't at least intrigued by Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. The film combines comic book violence, and comic book humor to great affect even in the trailers. Definitely worth a peek. Or you could just go see Toy Story 3 again. 3 more times.

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