Truth be told, Alejandro is a dark militaristic video about homosexuality, but not one that shows it in too much of a negative light. To ask to give away the rest would be unfair, and truly impossible. There are so many references that I don't quite pick up, but as soon as somebody points them out to me I'll scream brilliance. This film is a hell of a lot less bright and energetic than Telephone, and is extremely likely to draw the wrath of the catholic church for being shown in such a negative light. At least, that's what I got from the video.
The pacing drags on quite a bit towards the end, and gets dangerously close to derailing the enterprise. However, this really puts the music in such a different light, instead of being some sort of spanish interlude, it feels a bit deeper. I got the dark vibe from the song out of the first few moments of it. The costumes are very interesting, if a little reminiscent of Madonna. I'm totally loving the gun-tits though. The sets are very dark and textures, as is the cinematography of the film. One of my favorite shots of the film is smoke drifting up from Gaga's pipe, as the camera tilts up to reveal the men.
The video is masculine, serious, controvercial, a bit creepy, extremely crazy, and filled with quality. Does it match up with Telephone and Bad Romance. At first glance, no. But we'll have to wait and see what happens, and how people react to this film. I say it's a film, because that's truly what it is. It tells a story, be it a complex one. I can't wait for more from the current ruler of the industry.
3.5 out of 4 stars
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