Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Trailer Tuesday: The Social Network, Red, Little Fockers

I'm still recovering from that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows trailer that debuted last night. I don't think that a trailer has made me want to see a movie more than this one. Given that Part 1 is 5 months away, and Part 2 is a whole year away, I'm surprised how much visual effects work they've gotten finished. I hate that I have to wait so long to see how everything wraps up, because it all looks so amazing. The Harry Potter franchise hasn't always been known for being action-packed, but it makes me want to see this final installment all the more.

Now that I've worked all that excitement out of my system, I can get to talking about the other new trailers, starting with the trailer for David Fincher's The Social Network. The trailer is very ominous and doesn't really have any actual clips. It's pretty much audio snippets from the film intersperced over a collage of Jesse Eisenberg's face coming together. It gives us the idea that this will be less of a comedy, and perhaps more dramatic than we're expecting. This was a wierd trailer, and I'm still not sure what to expect from the movie.

Then we have Red, which looks like pretty much every other rated-R action spy movie that's ever been made. Proof in point, it has Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren, Morgan Freeman, and John Malkovich as retired CIA agents. There isn't really much of a point to this trailer, and just from watching it, it seems cheeky, annoying, and just a waste of some perfectly great talent. This is one I'm probably going to skip out on.

Finally, Little Fockers. I'm going to go on point with saying that I've never seen Meet the Parents, or Meet the Fockers. I have no interest in seeing either of them, and this trailer confirms that I never will attain that interest. I'm sorry, but I feel like this film has no reason to actually exist. The first two didn't have a reason to exist in the first place. It pretty much has Ben Stiller saying something, and it's supposed to be funny just because he says it. That's what I hate about him.

The Social Network trailer
Red trailer
Little Fockers trailer

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