Thursday, June 3, 2010

Rue McClanahan dies: Betty White is next!

This is the news I've been dreading for the past year. Rue McClanahan of The Golden Girls died today, which can only mean one thing: Betty White will die next year. Lets turn the clocks back two years. All the Golden Girls were alive and happy. Then what happened? The Dark Knight was released. It was as if an unstable amount of awesome was let out into the world. Something had to contain. Not a week later did Estelle Getty die. Then a year later, Beatrice Arthur met her tragic fate.
Now that Rue has died this year, there is only one Golden Girl left. If the universe keeps with the tradition of killing off a Golden Girl each year, Betty White will be dead before her 90th birthday. So it is written, so it must be. Unless, and this is a rather unlikely possibility, an equal amount of awesome as The Dark Knight is let out into the world. Two awesomes cancel each other out, as dictated in the season 5 How I Met Your Mother episode, The Rough Patch. So if Inception doesn't turn out to be the amazing movie we hope it will be, Betty White is likely doomed.

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