Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Television Breakdown: Final Countdown

Apologies about springing this up so suddenly, but if I wait any longer then it may be easily forgotten. As a matter of fact, I didn't even know there was a new episode of How I Met Your Mother on last night, so when I found out there was this morning, it was a top priority. If you haven't seen last night's episode of the hit sitcom, I caution you to read no further until you've seen it. It's quite a devastating and emotional blow for the usually light and comical series, so as with every edition of Television Breakdown, I place a vital

for all readers.

Last night's episode, titled Bad News, was just another funny and enjoyable episode that brought around and wrapped up quite a few dangling plot points, like Robin running into her old co-host Sandy Rivers, or Barney's doppelganger finally being discovered. Everything was going fine until the ending, and though it doesn't make much sense at this point, I will not reveal it here. Needless to say, it had me drawing a few tears by the end of it all. It's definitely the most unexpected twist of the season, if not the series, and it's also a poignant one. Television Breakdown will be returning in full swing next Friday with a special edition, but if you still haven't seen the episode, take it under advisement.

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