Friday, July 1, 2011

The Weekend Report: The Ol' Flash and Bang

I almost entirely forgot to give this a proper write-up, but figured that it's better late than never. This week has been an exercise in leisure and relaxation, but it's time to get back to business. The box office isn't showing many signs of decay or slowing down, but after seeing so many films go by without passing $100 million in the first three days, I can't help but be a little pessimistic. I hold out hope that that will change with Transformers: Dark of the Moon, but there's never any real guarantee. Audiences are naturally still pissed after being so disappointed with Revenge of the Fallen, but I didn't think the effects would be so adverse.

The film has only managed to pull in nearly $65 million in the first two days, which its predecessor pulled off in just a day. It'll be interesting to see how the film plays over the long weekend, but it's apparently been playing really well with audiences. It may have some sort of unexpected staying power in the coming weeks, but rest assured that it will die quickly upon Harry Potter's arrival. So what of the other two releases? Well I had completely forgotten that Larry Crowne even existed, so much as to miss posting a clip from it earlier this week. I didn't forget Monte Carlo, but then again, how could you? It's the sort of thing that demands attention, but not for the better.

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