PotterWatch (3 of 77): Where Will "Deathly Hallows" be split?
So for a while I thought it was set in stone that the final Harry Potter film would be split right before our trio is brought to Malfoy Manor, but it appears I was mistaken. Apparently even the people who are making the movie don't even know where the split will be. Tom Felton recently stated that they've just been making the films as one movie, with little thought to where they'd cut the film. Personally I love that they're putting making the movie as great as it should be first, but this does seem a little aimless. So as usual, it's up to me to save the Potter franchise from total ruin. You no doubt remember my pleas for Half-Blood Prince to be nominated for Best Cinematography, and then against all odds it was. This makes me believe that my completely ignored blog control fate (aside from that Iron Man 2 Best Picture prediction). Since I don't know what path the movie takes, I'll just take my best guess based on what's in the novel.The most practical idea would be to end the first half at the mid-point of the novel, which would either be at The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore, or after Ron returns during The Silver Doe. Either of those would be nice places to leave the audience at. Either a revealing cliffhanger, or some sort of success seems necessary to end the first one. Of course the original idea of where to split the film ensures that the Deathly Hallows of the film's title is actually referred to in both films. This is probably one of the most difficult decisions facing the crew of the film, because their choice affects whether the audience will return opening weekend of Part 2. The ending can make or break the film. It may be better not to know where the split is, because it adds some mystery to the series for those who have read the books and know how the film plays out. What's your opinion? Where should they split it? Should they tell us?
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