The Weekend Report: Ninjas; DAMN!
The box office has been completely stalled this weekend, with little to no new blood in the market. Sure, Black Swan is playing in limited release, as is I Love You Phillip Morris, but do they really count? Does anything really count as a new release this weekend? Unfortunately, yes. The CGI-fueled not-actually-a-blockbuster The Warrior's Way is the only film that's in almost-wide release. The immediate reaction I got from the trailer that it had to be in 3D, and somehow it isn't. The second reaction I got from it was that I'll never in my life ever see it. Their legitimate tagline is "Ninjas; DAMN!" Clearly even the makers of the film know how stupid it is. So that decision is pretty much done for me. If I see a film this weekend, it will be Waiting for "Superman", which I finally have the opportunity to see. So I guess that's all the wisdom I can possibly instill onto you, other than for you to go out and see Tangled or Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 if you haven't already. They're both among the best of the year and more than worth your time.
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