The Weekend Report: Back in (light) Blue
After a four week absence, The Weekend Report is back, giving you my insight on what you should and shouldn't see this weekend, based on my narrow perspective. We have three new releases, one of which has already had a trial run of two days, just to give it a head start. Morning Glory is the romantic comedy of the week, and it did have some potential to it. It seemed like an almost Devil Wears Prada sort endeavor, with Harrison Ford playing the Miranda Priestly sort of antagonistic force, while Rachel McAdams plays the naive female protagonist who falls for one of her coworkers, but not Ford himself. Unfortunately, reviews haven't been kind, and the film only raked in 1 million on its first day. It opened on silent buzz, and just hasn't delivered yet, so skip it.
he other two releases are varying action films with very different approaches. On the bottom of the spectrum is Skyline, which I was thinking of seeing because it has cool-ish visual effects. Then I found out from one reviewer that the aliens in the film want the humans for their brains, and that kind of killed any thought I had in my mind. If I ever see it, it will be on redbox. Finally, the film that I've already seen and weighed in on is Tony Scott's Unstoppable. I made my point clear that Scott's directing style just didn't rub me the right way. I suppose if I had seen more of his films, which it turns out are worse than this, I would've liked it more. As it is, the film gave me a pulsing headache throughout, not out of confusion, but out of sheer, loud, dumb fury.
What astonishes me about Unstoppable is that critics actually like it, and in fact love it. Maybe I'm just stupid. Maybe my site isn't actually legit. I don't know. So if you shouldn't go out to see any of the new releases this weekend, what should you see? Well, I've already given Megamind a huge thumbs up, and I just couldn't wait until the weekend to see it again. I almost made it, but it was Veterans Day and I wanted to celebrate not having any classes. It's a film worth seeing twice, and if you do decide to see it, see it with your friends, or better yet, your family. It's a ton of fun. Other than that, you could always go out and rent Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, now out on DVD. Then again, this is probably the weekend when everyone will be throwing their own Harry Potter marathon in preparation for the new film, so my opinion ultimately doesn't matter. In any case, comment below on what you want to see this weekend, or on what you've already seen and what you thought of it.
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